Brenna standing in Lake Michigan

Here I am standing in Lake Michigan.

If you’d like a real headshot, let me know. I’ve got one.

As for what I’m up to, I’m querying a romcom-adjacent women’s fiction novel in which a chronic overthinker embraces improv’s rule of saying “yes” to reboot her life. It’s set in Chicago’s improv scene of 2013, right before the iconic iO theater moved to its new location. Curtis Sittenfeld (ROMANTIC COMEDY) meets Bea Setton (BERLIN). Or maybe if Katherine Heiny wrote FRANCES HA as a novel. You’ll laugh, you’ll swallow a lump in your throat, you’ll maybe talk yourself into taking an improv class (!!).

(Update: I’ve created a playlist for this novel? Kind of by accident? Anyway, I’ll probably keep adding to it as I feel moved.)

I’m also working on draft three of a domestic thriller – think BEWARE THE WOMAN meets THE UPSTAIRS HOUSE: Birdie Doherty is convinced her upstairs neighbor is a killer—even when she can’t track down a victim.

For very occasional comments, follow me on Bluesky

For everything else, you can reach out at brenna [dot] lemieux [at]